1. The sharps or flats placed at the beginning of a staff to indicate the key of a piece.
2. A short and detached style of playing notes with distinct breaks between each note.
3. The highness or lowness of a sound.
4. A group of musicians playing together.
5. A musical sound produced by a piano key.
6. A symbol placed at the beginning of a staff indicating the pitch range for higher notes.
7. A sequence of single notes that form a musical phrase.
8. To change the pitch of a musical piece without changing its key.
9. A symbol (♭) placed before a note to lower its pitch by a half step.
10. The specific technique or placement of fingers on the piano keys.
11. The speed at which a musical piece is played.
12. A symbol representing a period of silence in music.
13. A gradual decrease in volume or intensity of a musical passage.
14. A gradual increase in volume or intensity of a musical passage.
15. A symbol placed at the beginning of a staff indicating the pitch range for lower notes.
16. A set of seven notes that form the basis of a musical composition or key signature.
17. A series of musical notes played in ascending or descending order.
18. A combination of three or more notes played simultaneously.
19. A foot-operated mechanism on a piano that sustains or softens the sound.